Our Mission
The North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation fosters spiritual growth for individuals and congregations and equips those called to spiritual direction.
Our Values
The North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation is a Christo-centric organization which honors people of all faiths and creeds. Our community is unified in recognizing that each human being is created in the image of God, and by the desire to deepen our relationship with God through the instruction of the Holy Spirit so that individuals and congregations are inspired to lead with love, compassion, and justice in their communities.
Our Vision
As disciples of Jesus, we are committed to gracious soul hospitality and to the development of “Beloved Community”- a place where all are welcome to wrestle with faith and dare greatly on their journey of human becoming and spiritual transformation. We take seriously the commandment of Jesus to love one another as he first loved us. As such, we are committed to fostering an environment that offers humble listening, non-judgmental conversations, and compassionate engagement. We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in loving community. We welcome and affirm all people.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Believing that God is at work in our lives at all times, spiritual direction is the opportunity to meet regularly with a trained spiritual director to talk about how you see and experience God. In each session, you will explore how God is active in your life and what God is saying to you. Spiritual Direction is also an opportunity to grow in discernment as you seek to distinguish God’s voice from many other influences. Spiritual Direction is a relationship that is safe, confidential and free from judgement.
Who benefits from Spiritual Direction?
Anyone who desires to draw closer to God can benefit from spiritual direction provided that:
- the person is open to and capable of self-reflection
- the person is willing to be honest and vulnerable in the spiritual direction relationship
- the person intends to give regular time and energy to his/her spiritual life
The 2-year spiritual direction certificate program offered by the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation (NCISDF) equips individuals called to the ministry of Christian spiritual direction. Our Second Class Begins In August Of 2024. We Are Currently Accepting Applications For Our Next Two-Year Cohort. Click here for more info.
Interested in finding a spiritual director? We can connect you with skilled and qualified directors associated with our network More Information
What is Spiritual Formation?
Being formed in the image of Christ is life-long work and it happens gradually. People of faith are called to a journey of transformation. We need companions to help us become persons desiring to live a life in the Kingdom of God, here and now in our contemporary world.
We desire to strengthen the local church by coming alongside clergy and other leadership to provide ongoing spiritual formation opportunities to small groups, local churches, districts, conferences and other assemblies of people of faith.