
2024 NC Spiritual Direction Training Application Updated

Please read through the entire form before beginning. It is recommended that you write long answers in a word document then copy and paste into this form when you are ready to submit.

Which phone number would you prefer to be contacted?
Relationship to Emergency Contact
Educational History(Required)
Select the Highest Level
Education Major and date of completion
Name of your Spiritual Director
How long have you been in regular spiritual direction?
How often do you meet with your director?
In a few sentences, tell us how the process of spiritual direction is impacting your spiritual life?
What has brought you to the decision to apply for training in the ministry of spiritual direction?
Please describe your spiritual practices.
Tell us about your experiences of retreats. (silent, preached, group, individual, etc)
As you look toward beginning this two-year commitment to intense spiritual direction training, are there any life situations or other barriers of concern that may make it difficult for you to successfully complete the program? If YES, please describe.
Describe some of the things you do to restore and refresh yourself. (hobbies, self-care practices, etc. )
Please tell us anything else about yourself that you believe would be important for us to know as we review your application.
Letters of Reference(Required)
Contact Email or Phone
You are required to have 3 letters of reference. Two letters should be personal references and one is from a spiritual leader with whom you have a relationship. (Pastor, Assoc. Pastor, Chaplain, Lay Leader, Ministry Leader, etc. ) Please provide the name and contact from whom we should expect to receive references for you. CLICK the plus sign to add the next person.
I understand that my application will be reviewed by the Leadership Team once everything is received. I will then receive a phone call inviting me to schedule a personal interview. I am asked to read Sacred Companions by David Benner. I will write a 2-3 page book summary focused on what in the reading was most meaningful to me at this point in my spiritual journey and how this might impact my ministry as a spiritual director. This reading and summary is submitted online and will be a part of the interview conversation.
Please read the following and prayerfully make covenant with the Leadership Team and the other students in your co-hort by signing and dating this document. Covenant for Spiritual Direction Training. As a student in the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation Training Program, I covenant with the Leadership Team of the Institute and my fellow students the following:
By typing your name you are affirming.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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