
The work of the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation is made possible because of friends and supporters who give generously.  NCISDF is not currently sustained by any large institution, foundation or corporation. When you give to the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation, your contribution helps to support the training and formation programs that nurture the overall well being of the people of North Carolina (and beyond). With your help, we equip individuals called to the ministry of spiritual direction and create additional educational and formational programs in the areas of Christian Spirituality and Dismantling Racism.  Our desire is to make our offerings available to all people who are led by the Holy Spirit to participate, regardless of their ability to pay. 

All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. 

Use the forms below to give online today!

Give a one-time gift OR Set up an automated monthly donation

If you would like to send a donation to North Carolina Institute for
Spiritual Direction and Formation (NCISDF) by mail,
Make checks payable to NCISDF.
Please mail your gift to:
508 Horncliffe Way
Holly Springs, NCĀ  27540

Contact us if you’d like to learn about how you or your organization can partner with us.